Letters Against the Project

The letters below were delivered to the Perdido Beach Town Council via the Baldwin County Planning & Zoning Department or at one of several public hearings.  The Perdido Beach Town Council and Mayor have chosen to ignore them.  If you would like your statements posted below send them to admin@noboatlaunch.com or submit them at http://noboatlaunch.com/news/comment/

Approximately 14 letters below and a 155 page .pdf here –
Letters Against Rezoning and PUBLIC Launch Soldier Creek


Could you read this letter in lieu of me not being able to be present at meeting. I carefully composed this letter and I want it heard. This is one of the most important decisions concerning the future of Our Precious History and Well Being of Perdido Beach that we have considered to date. I voted to have a town , to protect our citizens and our heritage. If this rezoning vote opens the way for a public boat launch we will be having a funeral for the safety and peace of our beautiful community. I vote NO to rezoning and making a public boat launch for these clear reasons. The world has changed. Values have changed. And we have become ruled by social media. Faster than the time that I can compose this letter someone can spread the news of a beautiful NEW PUBLIC BOAT LAUNCH , where there is great fishing , wild dolphins , and beauty that hasn’t been demolished yet by the very people who will want to ” Enjoy” it. This news can be passed from here to the North and further. I have already heard people in the North say that Escambia County is “The best kept secret” . They hear this on Social Media. Watch Out. We do not live in the old times of Perdido Beach when it was hard to find and hard to get to. Those who do not live here will overfish, spill oil and gas in the water from too many boats, create dirty and noisy traffic on land and water, throw trash on land and water. They will bring liquor and drugs. Water is not well policed, everyone knows. And the police have already warned us that they do not have the resources to police the public. There is not even a way to protect our citizens so they have priority in its use. The public can push them out and the peace of this small town out. Guess who will end up paying money to solve the problems? The public will go home and Perdido Beach citizens will pay for it. And you will be powerless over the whole nightmare once you open the door. Who wants to be powerless over the peace and beauty of their own home and heritage?

Christine Reynolds


We strongly oppose rezoning lots from residential to become a boat launch and recreational area on Soldier Creek. Such rezoning would be detrimental to all Soldier Creek residents. Please vote NO.

Mallory and Martha Reeves


My best friend has a beach house at Perdido next to Soldier Creek, so I’ve been visiting there for as long as I can remember. We’ve spent many days tubing, skiing, and swimming there. It’s such a beautiful place, and it would be a shame to take away Soldier Creek from the residents who love it and want it to remain theirs.

Frances Cates


This area, more so than many on the coast, IS RESIDENTIAL. The ramp near Resmondo Boat works should be upgraded. And THAT is a better use of resources, then to upset, ruin, detract from the astetics and value of the proposed site. I know we all WANT STUFF, but in this case what is wanted will absolutely detract, damage, destroy the very thing that endears people to the area. And that’s not even addressing the cost of trash that people bring with them AND their recurring costs to the county ( that we will be required to pay) NO, NO NO.

Nathan Russell Scott


I live on Soldier Creek and am opposed to having a boat launch on the creek. It will result in an over abundance of boats that our small creek cannot handle.

Denise Cotton


Thanks for the opportunity to voice my opinion. I feel that the proposed public boat launch within our neighborhood runs contrary to the spirit that created our community. When I supported the incorporation of Perdido Beach the proposition was that this would prevent rampant development from outside interest. I believe that our leaderships proposal of a public boat launch smack in the middle of our community runs completely contrary to the reason a majority supported the incorporation. I purchased our property with the idea of one day building a nice home their and moving full time to the community. If this proposed plan succeeds, there is no way I will consider investing in the future development of my property. This new found money should be spent for the improvement of our area for it’s citizens, not the uncontrollable crowds and traffic that would result from this proposal.

Jim Drake
Tuscaloosa Drive


I am against the boat launch due to the disruption in the area it would cause. Without the police resources to monitor the launch and additional monies needed to maintain, upkeep, and clean the area, the launch would prove detrimental to not only the soldiers creek property owners but also the habitat and animals.

Will Newman


I am 100% OPPOSED to a boat launch in Soldier’s Creek. It is not needed and will only bring more boat traffic to a small creek that is enjoyed by many families. A boat launch in this area will endanger the many children and families that enjoy the creek. Who is going to be responsible when a boat is launched there and hits a child or causes harm to other individuals??? Those individuals that are pushing for this will be held responsible!!!! Who is going to police this area that is so close to homes, children and families??? This will no doubt bring an increase in crime to the creek. There is currently a cement pad at the end of State Street and I have noticed over the years people pulling up in cars and sitting and drinking in that area where no home is located. A full fledged boat launch will only make this worse. It will invite individuals into the area that have no personal stake in the area and do not own property. More boat traffic in the creek will also affect the beautiful marine life such as the dolphins we are so fortunate to have in our creek. On a recent trip up to the narrow part of Soldier’s Creek we witnessed many many beer cans that had been dumped in the water. This is the type of behavior that will increase if Soldier’s Creek is open to all with a public boat launch. A PUBLIC BOAT LAUNCH ON SOLDIERS CREEK IS NOT NEEDED OR WANTED!

Ruby E. Cade


I am a ToPB property owner, and voted in the Town election. I am opposed to the rezoning that is the subject of this hearing. The ToPB does not have the essential infrastructure to support basic services to maintain existing public access spaces, and certainly not on the scale of a larger public park and boat launch. There have been numerous reports on social media reflecting aberrant behavior at the existing spaces. Specifically, defecating at the end of Montgomery Ave., and littering at most of the public access points. This application should be denied so that the Town can work with voters and property owners to develop an acceptable alternative.

John Brooks


I’ve been involved with construction sales and project management for more than 25 years and I have worked on large-scale multi-million dollar projects in places like Rosemary Beach, Watersound, and Alys Beach which are architecturally master-planned communities. This public boat launch project in Perdido Beach from every measurable aspect – planning, funding, ongoing maintenance, water quality issues, navigational safety etc. is the worst project I’ve ever seen and is a disaster in the making.

This is like one of those reality TV shows where someone won a million dollars and then they’re broke in six months. It would be good entertainment if there weren’t so many people directly affected. I have here 382 signatures of people who live in Perdido Beach or across Soldier Creek from this launch and/or ARE directly affected by this PUBLIC boat launch project and the associated rezoning and are adamantly opposed to it.

When you look at both sides of this discussion what you see on the one hand is a group of people whose only argument is they want the more convenience of not having to drive another 7 miles to put their boat in the water. (How many people is this exactly?) On the other side what you have are professionals in construction management, real estate valuations, legal matters, criminal justice and public safety who are saying this is a disaster according to their field of expertise and will cause a multitude of problems that will ultimately destroy the peace and tranquility of this residential neighborhood pretending to be a town.

How can this town council say that they are stewards of the community and vote for this in the face of overwhelming opposition from the public as well as experts in their fields. On top of this you have a mountain of unanswered questions that grow day by day.

How can the public say they are getting an impartial decision when more than half of the council have already submitted a letter in support of this project to Linda Lee.

If there was an easy fix to the problems of Josephine and similar public launches why do you think it hasn’t been done yet?

What makes you believe that you will have the solution to problems that have existed for many many years in places like Josephine?

What makes you think you have the expertise to solve these problems and can do better than those that came before you?

People purchased property here and chose to live here because they wanted to live in a residential community outside of the public sphere. Away from everything that living in the city entails and all the problems that exist when living in and around Public areas. I mean we can’t even get a hot pizza delivered here… but that’s ok. People gave up their convenience to live in a quiet residential neighborhood.

What makes you think that you have the right to change that for everyone? Rezoning the lot opens us up to a total change in the dynamic of this community FOREVER. There will be a day when this board is no longer in charge. However consider maybe the next people won’t be like you …who knows what their agenda would be. If we set a precedent now by making this a non-residential area it is only going to create a stepping stone situation when new people come in and want to evolve it to a more commercial public area.

PUBLIC boat ramps are paramount to gas stations. No city planner would intentionally locate them in a residential area unless the whole area was ready for change. Things around them lose value. Noise goes up, crime goes up, pollution goes up.

Our little town does NOT have a police force and will NOT have the capacity to deal with the aftermath of a new boat launch. The people of the town do not have the authority or the training to deal with the inevitable confrontations.

People along Tuscaloosa have used the gravel walkway that is the end of State St as a footpath for many years to access the creek there. This has been since the original zoning was established. Over 20 years of use in my case. Turning this into a PUBLIC launch with large vehicle traffic will rob the pedestrians of this opportunity for using State St as a footpath to launch their non motorized water craft. Negatively affecting the community as it is now. In order to provide the entire PUBLIC another boat ramp of which there are many within a short drive.

As for the creek itself. We are all stewards of it. How has the Town confirmed that increased boat traffic will not adversely affect water quality for marine life, swimming, etc.? How has the Town confirmed that boat launchings and the parking will not adversely affect water quality? How has the Town confirmed that boat launchings and increased boat traffic will not adversely affect navigational safety? No Boat traffic study has been done. If a 25 foot boat launches holding onto a 20 foot rope, where do two other boats tubing/skiing go?

I am going to close with a reading from the Alabama Constitution – SECTION 35 Objective of government.

That the sole object and only legitimate end of government is to protect the citizen in the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property, and when the government assumes other functions it is usurpation and oppression.

With that being said here is my vote plus 550 others against this disaster of a project and against the associated rezoning of the lots on State Street.

Thank you
Chris and Jan Chandler


The current level of Perdido Beach’s revenue (taxes, permits, fees etc) will not be enough to manage the overall financial impact to our environment (crime, trash, loud noises, wear and tear on roads). The BP money will be gone. It is evident that there has been very little planning – no long term cost estimates on liability insurance, electricity, maintenance – just basic stuff. It would be interesting to know how many residents that this will actually benefit…in some way other than having the ability to launch your boat near your house. Sigh….

Pam Kitchens


Soldier Creek has been a source of fun and fellowship for my family for 4 generations. It is a place to swim, ski, laugh and play. Adding a boat launch into the creek will NOT create opportunities for more people to enjoy the space – instead it will PREVENT people from utilizing the still waters as a safe place to ski due to the amount of boat traffic it will attract. There are already 2 boat launches in very close proximity and there is no need for this one.

Mary Gamble Yancey


I have been boating in Soldier Creek for over 50 years. I know it well, particularly from the perspective of children enjoying skiing, tubing, swimming, sailing and fishing. On busy days the creek requires the utmost caution to keep everybody safe, due to the volume of boat traffic. The proposed ramp can only do one thing – INCREASE BOAT TRAFFIC, which will diminish the safety of all using the creek. Pure and simple, this is just a BAD IDEA. Please vote against it! Thank you, Irby Thompson

Irby Thompson


Sorry I can’t make the meeting. I am 100% against the boat launch. I cannot think of one benefit to the Town of Perdido Beach that will result by having a public launch.

George E. (Buddy) Hunter


see more Letters Against Rezoning and PUBLIC Launch Soldier Creek – 147 pages